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Mountain Do's and Don'ts

The mountains are beautiful and they can be fun.
However, all sorts of misadventures can befall you if you are unprepared. Taking
a few precautions can make your trip a safe one.

- Altitude sickness
is no joke, especially above 8,000 feet. If you feel
a persistent headache, nausea, dehydration, or dizziness, give yourself a day
to acclimatize before going to higher elevations; if the symptoms are bad
enough, get to a lower elevation immediately.
- Drink extra water
in the mountains, at higher elevations especially in
Colorado's low-humidity climate where water loss is rapid.
- Layer your clothing
and start hikes early in the morning to avoid
being on the trail during late afternoon thunderstorms. Severe storms are
brief but can occur in minutes.

- Higher elevations
offer lower-than-normal protection against
ultraviolet rays. When spending time outdoors, always wear a hat and sun
block, even on cloudy days.
- Mountain Roads
are steep. High altitude can affect a car's performance
and handling. Have your car checked for high altitude performance before
heading into the mountains.

Fun Facts!
- Colorado's Rocky Mountains boast 54 peaks over 14,000 feet tall. At 14,433
feet, Mount Elbert near Leadville is the highest point in Colorado.
- The Continental Divide separates waters of the Pacific from water of the
Atlantic. Colorado boasts more than 65,000 miles of streams, nearly 2,500
cold-water lakes and reservoirs, and 360 warm-water lakes.
- Colorado boasts more microbreweries per capita than any state.
- The Moffat Tunnel is the second-longest railroad tunnel in the united
- From 1907 to 1948, Ivy Baldwin performed a high-wire act across Eldorado
Springs Canyon on a 580-foot-high steel cable.
- Western Colorado is part of the famed "Dinosaur Diamond."
- The Morrison Formation, just west of Denver, yielded the largest
brontosaurus bones ever excavated.
- Grand Mesa, just east of Grand Junction, is the world's largest flat-top
mountain. Grand Lake is the largest natural lake in Colorado.
- Colorado boasts 255 days of sunshine yearly, the hottest month is July,
the coldest month in January and has an average of only 40 percent humidity.
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